
2 years ago
Martin keerssemeeckers 06-12-1974 Phone nummers +31641328602 +31682533310 +31658805707 Stadhouderslaan 189 6171KJ Stein Limburg LB The Netherlands Sofinummer 157825863 Oxxio, is energie Vgz is Healthinsurence Cnv is my lawyer Zaam-Wonen is rent companie loos my contract SNS bank take over it. [email protected] Pasw sjoepiecoco1974 Ie Google account, take it over chamge email, name, restore numbers, phone number snd share the dirty Gdrive skit to all my contacts I DARE YOU !!!! 845 635 [email protected]:// LT23 3250 0025 0680 4799 BIC: REVOLT21 Beneficiary: Martin Keerssemeeckers Beneficiary address: Stadhouderslaan 189, 6171 KJ, Limburg, Stein, NL Ed